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How To Do Your Own Interior Design

How To Do Your Own Interior Design

What is Interior Design?



Design is a sub-discipline of architecture. It is the process of decoration of a space; the planning and laying out of furniture, drapes, flooring, wall treatment, plants, artwork and accessories to make it a pleasing for the eye and comfortable to live or work in.


Here are the questions to ask to plan your own interior design:

How long do you plan to stay in this home? What type of lifestyle do you lead? (do you entertain guests, have late nights, have holiday guests)What kind of activities do you do in each room? Do you have children?


What are their ages and needs? How much space do you need for leisure activities? (for office, study, sewing, reading, TV).Is there enough sleeping space for everyone and any guests? Do you have enough storage? Do you know your style?Do you have a color scheme in mind, or your favorite color?

Once you have answered these questions, it should give you an idea where to start.

Now you can start taking the following steps:

See how many rooms you have and list their uses (example, homework, bills, computer). List multiple uses of a room, according to what you need, for example if a room is a family room doubling as an entertainment room, or a bedroom also used as a study or sewing room. List the furniture you currently own, say what you like and what you dislike. (Get rid of what you don't want to make room for what you want.)

List the color of any pieces of furniture, fabrics or finds that would be a good start to develop a color scheme. Decide on a color scheme for every room.How much do you want to spend every month or year on your interior environment?See if you can find books and magazines on the subject of interior decoration.Create a file of clippings and samples that show the style and colors you would like to use in your home. Draw a floor plan of the room you will be decorating.

Now you will be able to decide on which resources you need, and plan a schedule of what you will be doing when,according to your budget. Remember, a room with a good design shows three things: it shows a mood, it shows harmony, and it is functional. If you have achieved this result, you have succeeded. This is the secret to good interior design.